Monday, July 23, 2012

I'm back but not for long

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been blogging lately, I have been very busy with summer activities.  I will be on a boat trip for two weeks and i am leaving tomorrow so i won't be blogging. :-(  Have Fun with your summer while I am gone!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's so Hot!

Hello everyone! It is so hot in Michigan right now! Right now it is 93 degrees and it might get up to 102 degrees! I am cooling down by sitting at the pool. If it is hot where you live right now, make sure to keep cool and stay hydrated! Have fun with the rest of your day!

Monday, July 16, 2012

What I did today!

Today I went to a volleyball vamp from 9-noon. Then, when I got back I was going to go swimming with my cousin but I had a really bad stomach ache so I just payed in bed, watched tv, etc. I helped my mom mail some things and got dressed up to go out to dinner! It was very good! I got back, played around, watched tv, and played on my phone until I had to go to bed. Goodnight!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Welcome to!

Hi everyone!  My name is Amy and I am doing a blog with my best friend, Charlotte.  Please follow us on Instagram.  My username is @amyhanae459 and Charlotte's @charlotte1213.  We will try to post everyday.  I hope you enjoy our blog.  Just so you know every post will say "posted by Amy" because Charlotte and I will be using my account.